Al Mezan Center for Human Rights calls for action to protect Palestinians' rights to water

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights called on the international society to take full responsibility for its ethical and legal duties towards the Palestinians and to secure their right to water.

The center confirmed the significance of activating justice and accountability mechanisms for all violations of international law in the occupied Palestinian territories, including laws related to water. 

The Israeli authorities and semi-governmental institutions have been preventing the Palestinians from access to water sources, like Jordan's river, since 1947. This violates their right to self-determination. 

Israel surrounds any projects aiming at developing the water sector in Palestine with several conditions, in particular having the Israeli permission, not permitting the entry of the needed tools to rehabilitate the infrastructure of the water sector. This limits the ability to promote the water sector. 

Some organizations of human rights stated that the discriminatory policies practiced by the Israeli occupation authorities and their semi-governmental institutions in the water sector fall under the water apartheid regime and is a crime against humanity according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. 

United Nations launched World Water Day on March 22, 1993, to raise awareness of the causes related to water and sustainable development of water sources. 

Source : Safa