3 years have passed since the Great March of Return

Today marks the anniversary of the Great March of Return which was launched alongside the 51st anniversary of Land Day in 2018 near the eastern borders of Gaza to reject Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

On the first day of the March of Return, 15 Palestinians were killed and more than 1416 others injured by the Israeli bullets. 

Israeli soldiers targeted the peaceful protesters with bombing bullets and prohibited weapons. 

Alongside the launching of the March of Return, several countries launched protests in solidarity with Gaza. 

Arabic, Islamic and European countries condemned Israel's suppression of the civilians participating in the marches near the borders. 

The March of Return continued to be held every week for more than a year as its shapes were developed. 

Human Rights organizations and Health institutes documented 265 Palestinians who were killed, and 29.000 others injured.

Source : Safa