The battle of empty bellies

Palestinian prisoner Hosam Al-Rozza, from Nablus, started, on Wednesday, his open hunger strike as a rejection of his administrative detention extended for another 4 months.

“This is the second time he starts an open hunger strike since August 2020 when the Israeli forces arrested him while he was on his way to Ramallah,” his relatives said.

Al-Rozza suffers from several diseases and needs a doctor for follow up with his health conditions.

He spent about 18 years in Israeli jails, most of the years was in administrative detention.

Open hunger strike (the battle of empty bellies) is to abstain from all kinds of food except water and salt.

The first Palestinian experience of hunger strike was in Nablus jail in 1968, in which the Palestinian prisoners declared their open hunger strike for 3 days in a row, rejecting the Israeli policy of beating and humiliation. They were being beaten by Israeli soldiers every time they call for better living and humanitarian conditions.

The prisoner, who is in hunger strike, is being moved right after his declaration of the strike into an isolation cell, and being wiped out of his cloths. 10 days later, you will not be able to stand on; your physical and psychological fatigue will control your whole body.

Source : Safa