Repression forces storm section 1 of Raymond prison

The repression forces affiliated with the administration of the Israeli occupation prisons On Sunday stormed Section 1 of Raymond prison and began extensive searches.

The Prisoner Club stated in a statement that the forces transferred all prisoners in the section, who numbered about 90, to Section 4 inside the prison.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli prisons administration pursues repeated incursions and searches to abuse prisoners, impose more control and oversight over them, and destabilize any stability situation within the section.

The incursions escalated, since the beginning of 2019, compared to previous years, during which the repression forces carried out the most violent incursions in more than ten years, during which dozens of prisoners were injured with various injuries.

The repression forces are chosen from among the members of the special units in the Israeli army, whose most important tasks is to storm the prisoners' rooms while they are asleep to terrorize them, seize their personal belongings, and inflict injuries among their ranks as a result of suffocation with tear gas, or as a result of assaulting them with batons and rifle butts.

Source : Safa