Activities in Spanish and Portuguese featuring translation into Arabic started last Friday (27) and run until Wednesday (2) in honor of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Latin America have week of activities in solidarity with Palestine

São Paulo – Authorities, activists and groups supporting the Palestinian cause participate in a week of activities in honor of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which is celebrated on November 29.

The program started last Friday (27) and runs until Thursday (2) with activities organized by three organizations, the Latin-Palestinian Forum, a non-governmental organization based in São Paulo, Brazil, which works to build support networks for the Palestinian cause in the Latin Americans countries; the Friends of Palestine Foundation, an Argentine institution founded by several Palestinian activists living in Latin America and dealing with the issues of the Palestinian cause in all its humanitarian, cultural and national aspects; and the Middle East Monitor.

The event aims at spreading knowledge, presenting critical analysis of the situation involving Palestine and the existing forms of solidarity, as well as mobilizing the greatest possible support for the Palestinian cause and expressing the clear support for the struggle and resistance from the Palestinian people.

On Monday (30), a live stream in the morning featured the president of the Federation of Palestinian Institutions in Brazil (Fepal), Ualid Rabah. On Tuesday (1st) an online meeting will feature several activists from Latin American countries in support of the Palestinian cause. The week will end on Wednesday (2), with the streaming of the documentary ‘Gaza Lives On’.

Participants in activities in Latin America will speak in their original language, in Portuguese or Spanish, featuring translation into Arabic. The original Arabic film will feature Portuguese subtitles. You can watch the program through the entities’ social media.

Source : Safa