Palestinians Abroad launches international conference to resist normalization

Speakers of the international conference to resist normalization condemned all agreements of normalizing relations between Israel and Arabs, confirming that normalizers are betrayals.

The conference was held in London with the involvement of Palestinian, Arabic, and foreign figures from different countries.

It continues until March 3rd, 2020 via ZOOM with the involvement of the five continents, to find a global movement to resist the Arabic and world normalization with Israel.

"The wave of normalization led by the former president of the US, Donald Trump, aims at engaging in the Zionist story," Moneer Shafiq, Secretary-General of the conference, said.

Shafiq believes that the agreements of normalization seek to end the Palestinian cause.

He called for resisting all shapes of normalization and dropping its Arabic and global projects. Hence, he considered ending Oslo Accords and launching a civil rebellion as the first step of resistance.

Taher Masri, former Prime Minister of Jordan, mentioned that the Palestinian cause is in a very sensitive phase and that there are many projects aim at ending it, including normalization.

He emphasized the importance of revealing the Israeli policy based on racist discrimination against the Palestinians and transfer it to the whole world. He also confirmed that this battel needs out-of-the-box initiatives and ideas to restore the Palestinian right.

Maan Beshour, former Security-General of the Islamic National Conference, stated that holding the conference confirmes the importance of the Palestinian cause.

"Normalization is not a normal relationship. It is against resistance and any movement of liberation," Beshour said.

He confirmed how important it is to unite the Arabic, Palestinian, and international efforts to confront normalization.

Grandson of Nelson Mandela said: "normalization betrays all Palestinians and their right of return to their homeland."

He added, "normalization kills any attempt to achieve the Palestinian dream of being free," and called for preventing the Israeli racist project.

Khaled Sofyani, General Coordinator of the National Conference, condemned the agreements of normalization in which they started in a time Israel keeps committing crimes against the Palestinians.

He confirmed the significance of resisting normalization by the Palestinians.

He called for uniting the Islamic and Arabic efforts to confront normalization and hold several anti-normalization conferences.

"The Zionist entity is weak. Hence, it rapids to normalize its relations with several countries. When they attack us, we have to drop all their attempts," Sofyani said.

The conference takes up the Arabic efforts of resisting normalization and roles of the Arabic nations to cut off the normalization of relations with Israel.

It is held with more than 100 Arabic and international organizations, institutions, and media outlets.

Source : Safa