510 new settlement units planned to be built in Bethlehem

The Settlement and Wall Resistance Commission said that the Settlement Bloc Council in the Gush Etzion Settlement plans to build 510 new settlement housing units on Bethlehem lands in the southern occupied West Bank.

The director of the Office of the Settlement and Wall Resistance Commission, Hassan Breijeh, reported to Safa that the council proposed a plan to build 510 settlement units, 400 of them in the Migdal Oz Settlement, which is built on the lands of the town of Beit Fajjar, south of Bethlehem, to build a new settlement neighborhood in the name of Nabi Shahar.

Breijeh added that the plan includes 110 settlement units in the Abu Hanahel Settlement, which is built on the lands of the town of Kisan, east of the governorate.


Source : Safa