New scheme to seize the remaining lands of Umm Al-Fahm and ‘Ara

The Israeli occupation’s court decided to seize thousands of dunams of the lands of Umm Al-Fahm and ‘Ara in the 1948 occupied Palestinian lands. 

The occupation aims at turning those lands into natural reservoirs and forests to serve the settlers of Majeedo settlement built over the lands of Al-Lajjun village in Umm Al-Fahm.

Attorney Tawfiq Jabareen said that the scheme targets 173,000 dunums, including lands owned by the inhabitants of Umm Al-Fahm estimated at 10,000 dunums. He added that those lands are the only alternative remaining for the families of Umm Al-Fahm and ‘Ara to expand the two cities in the future. Hence, that threatens the Palestinian existence in the region. 

Jabareen noted that he waits for the scheme to be published in the official newspaper so he can file an objection to the supreme court in Al-Nasera, confirming that confronting the scheme is connected to the power of objections submitted by the Arab local authorities and the families’ movements. 

Source : Safa