The freed female prisoner Huda Jaber Hussein (20 years) confirmed that the female prisoners are subjected to the most horrific forms of abuse and torture during their detention, as the Prison Authority puts them in solitary confinement, and denies them the most basic rights and the minimum requirements of life.
Huda said that the Israeli Prison Authority exposes the female prisoners to the most horrific types and methods of investigation, which are beating, psychological pressure, and naked searches, as well as deliberately placing them with criminal prisoners to be exposed to physical and psychological violence that is extremely brutal and cruel.
This came during a testimony presented to the Freedom News about the conditions of detention for female prisoners after Huda's release as she was arrested for five and a half months, explaining that she was transferred during that period between Hasharon and Damon prisons.
Hussein stated the harsh treatment that the Prison Authority deliberately treated the prisoners with, saying: "Their treatment was bad and they did not serve us breakfast. They also deliberately denied us going out for the outburst except once a day for one hour only in a small yard surrounded by cameras.That was restricting our freedom to walk and exercise, so we used to spend our time reading."
She appealed to the necessity of liberating all prisoners, especially the sick and those with special needs, saying: "There are female prisoners suffering from medical neglect, especially patients with blood pressure and diabetes, and they are prevented from receiving medication."
Deprivation of Family
Regarding the family visit, the freed prisoner Hussein confirmed that the Prisons Authority prevents many female prisoners from visiting their families without any excuse or justification.
Huda's mother or any of her family members were not able to visit her during the six-month period she spent in prison, due to the spread of the Coronavirus and the prevention of visits by prisoners' families first, and the second reason is her movement between Hasharon and Damon prisons.
Her mother says: “On the day of her freedom, I and her sister went out and waited for her at Al- Jalameh checkpoint, accompanied by the freed female prisoner Mona Qa'dan. We missed her a lot, we did not hear her voice throughout that time, and we were not able to visit her. I embraced and kissed her, and I wished God bless all the prisoners to be free soon. "
The Suffering of Female Prisoners
The foundation says: "When the prisoner, Huda Hussein, gained her freedom, the Israeli authority continues to detain about 38 Palestinian prisoners in Damoon Prison, in difficult conditions that lack human life."
Palestinian prisoners are subjected to beatings and insults from the moment of their arrest by the Israeli forces. The harassment escalates against them as soon as they arrive at the investigation centers; where all methods of investigation are practiced against them, whether psychological or physical, such as beatings, sleep deprivation and shabeh for long hours, without regard for their femininity and their special needs.
In light of the outbreak of the Coronavirus, the Israeli prisons administration does not take any real preventive measures against it, but rather has prevented prisoners from obtaining 170 items of "cantina", including cleaning materials, which threatens the health of female prisoners and all prisoners and puts them in danger.
UNRWA’s Survival is Palestine’s Future: A Generation at Risk
14 Mar 2025