Israel pursues racist and criminal vaccination policy against COVID-19

General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative (PNI), Mustafa Barghouti said that the policy of the Israeli government of vaccination against the Coronavirus pandemic is racist and criminal.

"The Israeli government, which has ensured all vaccinations for holders of Israeli identity cards, continues to neglect its duty as an occupying power and violates the Geneva Conventions and agreements with the Palestinians which oblige it to provide health protection means for everyone living under its control,” Barghouti added in a press statement.

Israeli officials seem satisfied that Palestinians are unable to obtain vaccinations for many months and they dream that the virus will spread widely among them without affecting the fortified Israelis.

All of this suggests malicious intentions of ethnic cleansing.

He referred to the statements of the head of the World Health Organization, who warned against the greed of rich countries that buy all vaccines and leave billions of people in poor and middle-income countries without vaccination, which means limiting the disease to the poor and saving the rich.

Barghouti warned against the promoters of false rumors that vaccinations against Coronavirus are not useful and said: "these rumors have no scientific basis and in the end they only serve the interests and intentions of Israel."

The efforts of the Palestinian official and civil authorities should be intensified in cooperation with the World Health Organization and international organizations to accelerate the provision of effective vaccination for the Palestinian people.

The Israeli Minister of Public Security, Amir Ohana, on Friday said that he will not change his decision to not vaccinate prisoners against Coronavirus at this stage.

“After vaccinating all members of the Prison Authority, we will consider the possibility of administering the vaccine to the prisoners,” the Israel Broadcasting Authority quoted from Ohana.

Source : Safa