Hamas calls on Arab regimes to listen to their peoples’ voice

The Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas applauded, on Saturday in a press release, the popular anti-normalization protests that were organized in many Arab countries, including Bahrain, and called on the Arab governments to listen to the voice of their peoples.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem said that these protests reflected the Arab people’s awareness and their rejection of all forms of normalization with Israel.

“These peoples are aware, with their national conscience, of the danger of signing normalization agreements with the occupation,” Qasem added.

“These people has always considered Palestine the central Arab cause and treated the Zionist occupation as their central enemy,” he underscored.

The spokesman urged the political parties and civil groups in the Arab countries to raise their voices against the regimes that signed normalization deals recently with Israel

It is worth noting that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain have signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel brokered by the US administration.

Source : Safa