Israel arrests young men, targets worshipers in Jerusalem’s streets

The Israeli forces on Saturday arrested a young man, Ahmed Melhem, in front of the Lions Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Eyewitnesses told Safa that the forces arrested the young man, Ahmed Melhem, after the Taraweeh prayers, and detained him in Al-Ghazali Square in Bab Al-Asbat, before taking him to the police station.

Deportees from Al-Aqsa Mosque performed Isha and taraweeh prayers on the path of the mujahideen in the Old City of Jerusalem.

In this context, the Israeli forces returned on Saturday evening the iron mounds on the amphitheater of Bab al-Amoud in Jerusalem, and closed it from all sides, using police dogs.

The forces had removed the mounds, after erecting them for 4 days in a row, and they prevented the young men from sitting on the amphitheater of Bab al-Amoud, which led to the outbreak of confrontations between them and the Israeli soldiers.

The Israeli forces on the evening targeted the youths with sound bombs and pursued them at Bab Al Sahira, Al Amoud and Sultan Suleiman Street.

The forces deployed in the vicinity of Bab al-Sahira, and a truck of wastewater was brought to the place to suppress the youths.

Source : Safa