Palestine celebrates the Palestinian Teacher Day

On December 14th, Palestinians celebrate the Palestinian Teacher Day as a tribute to the big role the Palestinian teachers play.


This day is connected to a national event that happened in 1972 when dozens of teachers were imposed to brutality, torture, and suppression by Israeli forces.


The occupation authorities suppressed Palestinian teachers for their national role in protecting the educational process from interference by the occupier and his attempts to impose tutelage on it. In addition to their demand for their fair-trade union rights, until December 14, 1980.


The first teachers’ march, challenging the occupation and its military rule, took place from the Al-Mughtareb School in Al-Bireh towards the Military Government building. The teachers were severely beaten, assaulted with excessive force, and arrested by the Israeli occupation soldiers. Among them are the Leaders of the General teachers' Committee.


District committees were formed of schoolteachers in each governorate, after which the General teachers' Committee declared a successive strike for 75 days. That led to the refraction and compliance of the occupation authorities to the demands of teachers.


Palestinian teachers have made great sacrifices to prevent the occupation authorities ’plans to judaize the education, falsify Palestinian history and geography, and all attempts to interfere in the educational process.


Teachers recorded grave attitudes and daunting challenges during the first Palestinian popular uprising, during the continuous occupation authorities' closure of Palestine's schools and universities by resorting to popular education. In order to keep the national educational process running at the time.


On this day, we remember the sacrifices, tenderness, and loyalty of Palestinian teachers and the Department of Education and Training, with all its soldiers, who did not hesitate to perform their noble humanitarian and patriotic duty even during the most daunting challenges and difficulties.

Source : Safa