Haniyeh: Hamas meets with Fatah to promote unity

Ismail Haniyeh, the head of political bureau of Hamas, said in a statement on Friday that Hamas movement pays special attention to the national dialogue between the Palestinian factions. Therefore, the Hamas leadership will meet to discuss the understandings agreed upon with Fatah and take relevant decisions to continue the dialogue at different levels.

"These discussions highlight the willingness and preparedness of Hamas to achieve national unity amid the grave dangers targeting the Palestinian issue," Haniyeh underscored. "Additionally, the meetings with Fatah reflect the urgent need to enhance partnership in re-structuring the Palestinian institutions inside of Palestine and in the diaspora under the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the Palestinian Authority, and the Joint National Leadership of Popular Resistance."

He emphasized that Hamas has placed the Palestinian unity on top of its agenda, given that the major principle in the dialogue was the unified Palestinian position against the Deal of the Century, annexation plans, and normalization and possibilities to face off these threats on the ground and at the political level.

"All of such efforts shall be under a unified Palestinian front capable of facing off strategic threats to the Palestinian cause that target three of its major pillars: Jerusalem, land, and refugees," he confirmed.

Moreover, he added that the outcomes of the meetings with Fatah lay the foundation for the comprehensive national dialogue, where the talks regarding the core issues will be agreed upon. Then the agreements shall be presented in a meeting for the secretaries-general of the Palestinian factions.

"The positive atmosphere in the Hamas-Fatah meeting held in Turkey, which was based on the major outcomes of Cairo Agreements, especially the one concluded in 2011, shows the preparedness of both sides to promote unity," he said. "Finally, we hail the enormous efforts exerted by the Hamas and Fatah delegation in this regard."

Source : Safa