40 Moroccan cities organize stands in support of Palestinian resistance's victory

Thousands of Morrocan people participated in stands in support of the Palestinian resistance's victory against the Israeli army in the latest Israeli aggression on Gaza in 40 cities. 

They raised the Palestinian flags and slogans that condemned the Israeli occupation and refused the normalization of relations with Israel. 

A member of the Morrocan Front, Mohamed Riahi, 40, said that 40 cities organized stands to celebrate the victory of the Palestinian resistance. 

The local authorities in Rabat refused to hold a solidarity stand amid the spread of COVID19, but Morrocans insisted to gather and raise the slogans of "Palestine is honesty and normalization is betrayal." 

The latest Israeli aggression on Gaza, which lasted for 11 days, ended with 248 killed, including 66 children, 39 women and 17 elderly, and 1948 injured. 

Source : Safa