Arab Parliamentary calls to form fact-finding committee to visit occupation's prisons

The Arab Parliamentary, led by Adel Al-Amousi, called for forming an international fact-finding committee to visit the Israeli occupation's prisons and document the violations practiced against the prisoners, especially the hunger-striking prisoners.

The Parliamentary confirmed the importance of investigating the occupation's detention of the Palestinian prisoners' bodies as this is a legal and humanitarian violation, and a crime that must be punished. The Israeli occupation has been detaining 68 bodies since 2016. 

The regional parliamentary, the International Parliamentary Union, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Crescent, and the human rights organizations called for taking actions to save the prisoners' lives and urged their countries to discuss their cause. 

The United Nations also called for forming a fact-finding committee to interrogate the occupation's crimes against the Palestinians.

Source : Safa