In the aftermath of a devastating 471-day war, displaced Palestinians are returning to their neighbourhoods in Gaza, only to find widespread devastation. The ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement, implemented on Sunday morning, have allowed thousands of families to venture back to their homes, confronting the grim reality left by Israeli aggression.
Streets once filled with life now resemble apocalyptic landscapes, with entire neighbourhoods reduced to rubble and craters dotting the roads. Blocked streets and heaps of debris have turned the simple act of returning home into a painful ordeal. Families, carrying whatever belongings they salvaged, crowded the roads in trucks, on animal-drawn carts, or on foot. Many residents from Gaza City made their way northwards, seeking what little remains of their past lives.
This genocidal war, which began on 7 October 2023, displaced nearly all of Gaza's 2.4 million residents at least once. Returnees have documented the remnants of fierce battles between the Israeli occupation forces and the Palestinian resistance, particularly in northern Gaza. Abandoned military vehicles, left behind in the wake of intense clashes, stand as silent witnesses to the resilience of Gaza’s defenders.
According to a United Nations report, the scale of destruction in Gaza is "unprecedented in modern history." Initial estimates suggest the cost of reconstruction will exceed $40 billion, with the Strip now burdened by 37 million tons of rubble. Over 70% of Gaza’s housing stock has been damaged or destroyed, leaving the majority of residents homeless or displaced. The UN has also highlighted the near-total collapse of the education and healthcare sectors, compounding the region's dire humanitarian crisis.
As of Friday, the Gaza Ministry of Health reported a harrowing toll: 46,876 deaths and 110,642 injuries since the aggression began. The people of Gaza now face the monumental task of rebuilding their lives amidst immense loss, all while grappling with the psychological scars of war. Their bittersweet return is a testament to their unyielding spirit, even in the face of unimaginable devastation.
Source : Safa News