A campaign to remove the rubble of the recent Israel aggression

A voluntary campaign was launched today in Gaza City to remove the rubble of Israeli recent aggression and clean the city's streets.

The campaign, which was announced in front of the destroyed Al-Jalaa Tower in the aggression, was implemented by the Gaza Municipality, the Youth Gathering, and the Zakat Committee, with the support of institutions inside the Palestinian territories.

About 1,200 young graduates and unemployed workers participate in the campaign.

The campaign's coordinator, Walid al-Mahlawi, said: "We do this campaign to confirm that Gaza loves life despite the bombing and destruction."

Al-Mahlawi thanked the campaign supporters and all those who participated in it.

For his part, youth activist Ahmed Abu Salmiya saluted Palestinian people in all places for their support for the people in Gaza.

Abu Salmiya saluted the Palestinian youth, especially in Gaza, for their steadfastness and participation.

He called on people in the West Bank, Jerusalem, the diaspora, and the free people of the world to pressure Israel to stop the siege imposed on Gaza, which paralyzed all aspects of life.


Source : Safa