Occupation reactivates administrative detention of prisoner Kayed Al-Fasfous


The Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission said that the occupation’s court reactivates the administrative detention of the prisoner Kayed Al-Fasfous for the 108 day in a row. 

The court decided on October 14th to freeze the administrative detention of Al-Fasfous, who suffers from a risky health situation in Brizlai hospital. 

Al-Fasfous, 31, was arrested by the occupation on October 15, 2020. 

Six Palestinian prisoners are going through an open hunger strike. They are Meqdad Al-Qawasma, who has been on hunger strike for 100 days, Alaa Al-Araj; 82, Hesham; Hesham Abu Hawwash; 73, Shadi abu Aker; 66 days, Ayyad Al-Harimi; 37, and Loay Al-Ashqar; 19 days.

Source : Safa