Israeli forces storm a hospital in Tulkarm

Israeli forces, on Monday dawn, stormed Martyr Dr. Thabet Thabet Government Hospital in Tulkarm in the northern West Bank and threw stun grenades inside it, which terrified patients and confused work in all sections.

“Israeli soldiers stormed the hospital and fired four stun grenades inside it, one of them in the reception hall and three in the emergency square,” the Minister of Health, Mai Al-Kailah, stated in a statement that reached Safa.

The minister denounced the Israeli crime that violates all international conventions and norms and the Geneva Conventions, calling on the international community to intervene to protect the Palestinian people and put an end to the repeated Israeli attacks.

In less than a month, Israeli forces attacked 3 Palestinian hospitals, which are Al-Durra Hospital in the Gaza Strip, which was damaged by shelling, the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, and Martyr Dr. Thabet Thabet Government Hospital.

The medical and health staff in all hospitals efforts were appreciated as they are facing two fierce enemies simultaneously, which are Coronavirus and the Israeli occupation.

The director of the hospital, Haitham Shadeed, reassured Al-Kaileh about the patients inside the hospital, confirming that many patients, especially children and the elderly, suffered from panic and tension as because of the storming.

Source : Safa