Israeli occupation extends the detention of two rearrested detainees and two more will be tried in the afternoon

The Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Committee on Sunday reported that the Israeli Magistrate Court decided to extend the detention of the detainee, Zakaria Zubeidi and Yaqoub Qadri, for ten days, under the pretext of completing the investigation.

The Committee explained in a statement reached Safa that the session was held this morning through the Zoom application, without the two prisoners attending the court, under the pretext of the Coronavirus.

It was indicated that the court is scheduled to complete a similar online session for the two prisoners, Mahmoud and Muhammad Al-Ardah, during the next hour.

A session will be held for the two detainees, who were re-arrested, at dawn today, Munadel Nafi'at and Ayham Kammaji, today at 4:30 in the afternoon with the same court and mechanism.

The occupation army re-arrested the two detainees, Al-Zubaidi and Muhammad Al-Ardah, near the village of Umm Al-Ghanam in the Lower Galilee region on September 11, and the two detainees, Qadri and Mahmoud Al-Ardah, on September 10 in Nazareth.

Before dawn today, September 19, the occupation forces re-arrested the two detainees, Kamji and Nafeat, in the city of Jenin, days after their self-liberation was taken through a tunnel dug under Gilboa prison.

Source : Safa